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Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010


What is tessellation??
A tessellation is created when a shape is repeated over and over again covering a plane without any gaps.                   

The word "tessellate" is derived from the Greek word "tesseres". In English, it means "four". Because, the first tesselations were made from square tiles.

A regular tessellation is a tessellation which made of congruent regular polygons. Regular means that all the sides and angles of the polygon are equivalent or proportional.
Here are the examples of regular tessellation :

a tessellation of triangles
a tessellation of squares
a tessellation of hexagons

We can also use a variety of regular polygons to make semi-regular tessellations. The properties of semi-regular tessellations are:
1.      Formed by regular polygons.
2.     The arrangement of polygons at every vertex point is identical.

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